South American POLITICAL Short Film Festival. Nov. 20th event
Documentary, Drama, Independent, Short Films
See the Full Lineup of Films:
MARCH OF SILENCE, 16min., Columbia
Directed by Santiago Echeverry, Sandra Liliana Rengifo, Kostas Tsanakas
'March of Silence' is a work that studies the recent history of Colombia through the eyes of the members of the collective "Post Punk Revolutionary Front" (FPPR). Combining the radio memory of the country in contrast to its ruined railway landscapes, this triptych video seeks to understand the relationship that each of the members of the FPPR has with a country that leaves an indelible mark on each of them: Sandra as a resident, Kostas as foreigner, and Santiago as a member of the Colombian diaspora.
Directed by Beto Oliveira
Seo Mariano's wife decides to leave him right at dinnertime. Now alone, he begins to notice that the world is dominated by women.
DAY IN BLACK, 15min., Brazil
Directed by Beto Oliveira
In a despotic future, Carolina prepares for the Dia de Preto, or Dia de Zumbi dos Palmares. Only day black people can go out freely to celebrate their blackness. But how can a 65-year-old black woman look pretty for a special day? The day you can go to the place where your son was killed by a security guard in front of a mall.
THE FALLEN ONE, 14min., Brazil
Directed by Alexandre Estevanato
Isolated in a rundown house in the middle of nowhere, he only wants to be left alone, without the disturbances of those who blame him for the miseries and misfortunes of their own lives, but an unexpected visit will be crucial for his destiny and the course of humanity.
Directed by David Daldegan Balduino
In an alternative 1920’s France, after the Entente lost the Great War against the German Kaiser and the Central Powers, France was over taken by revolutionary fervor as the Neo-Jacobins staged a violent takeover over of Paris and fought the remnants of the army and police force. Yet in the chaos, two lovers find themselves on opposing sides. A man of the police and a young lady who gave herself to the revolution.
OSMILDO, 27min,. Brazil
Directed by Pedro Daldegan
Grandson of India Regina, the only remnant of the
"hunting of Indians" in the in search of rubber, Osmildo fights for ransom of the Kuntanawa origins, as well as the mother tongue, the differentiated indigenous school, the sacred rituals,
of traditional medicine and his demarcated land.